Esteemed comrade Haha, whom we surveyed briefly here, has as of yesterday officially become the chair on the board of PSYCHOKNOT THEATRICS. Haha's many recreant enemies rallied against the decision. The chief dissenter, an unpalatable fellow by the name of T.G. Nihil, had this to say to com. Haha:
Haha! Ha! Ha! Haha! You are a trouble maker! Haha! You are the female of the dog! Haha! You are the female of the bull! Haha! Your mind is rotten! You, Haha, are rotten! I said, Haha, you are crazy! I said, Haha, in case you didn't understand me, I said, Haha, I said, you are a crazy bitch cow! Haha! That is what I said, in case you didn't understand me you crazy bitch cow communist!
The fellow T.G. Nihil then proceeded with a highly caustic critique of the body of work of com. Haha, focusing in particular on the works The Contents of the German Platter-Toilet (2010), and Is the fæces of Einstein worth more than my heart? (2012). Understandably, seeing as these are two of her most groundbreaking works in recent years, com. Haha launched herself at the unpalatable dissenter and whispered these words into his bleeding ear:
I make dangerous work. Sometimes illegal. Sometimes insane. Always sacred. I work with mixedup reality. I navigate the hypercomplexities of the human psyche. I try to have a word with god. I try to make love with god. I believe in the intelligence of the body. I believe there is a conversation going on between the body of me and the body of my perceiver. Art is omnisexual. Art is painful and urgent. Like a lobotomy. Or a hysterectomy. Or a prayer. Art is in love with life. Art is in love with life and that is all
... at which point the dissenter smiled and gently drifted into the next world.
Esteemed comrade Haha, whom we surveyed briefly here, has as of yesterday officially become the chair on the board of PSYCHOKNOT THEATRICS. Haha's many recreant enemies rallied against the decision. The chief dissenter, an unpalatable fellow by the name of T.G. Nihil, had this to say to com. Haha:
Haha! Ha! Ha! Haha! You are a trouble maker! Haha! You are the female of the dog! Haha! You are the female of the bull! Haha! Your mind is rotten! You, Haha, are rotten! I said, Haha, you are crazy! I said, Haha, in case you didn't understand me, I said, Haha, I said, you are a crazy bitch cow! Haha! That is what I said, in case you didn't understand me you crazy bitch cow communist!
The fellow T.G. Nihil then proceeded with a highly caustic critique of the body of work of com. Haha, focusing in particular on the works The Contents of the German Platter-Toilet (2010), and Is the fæces of Einstein worth more than my heart? (2012). Understandably, seeing as these are two of her most groundbreaking works in recent years, com. Haha launched herself at the unpalatable dissenter and whispered these words into his bleeding ear:
I make dangerous work. Sometimes illegal. Sometimes insane. Always sacred. I work with mixedup reality. I navigate the hypercomplexities of the human psyche. I try to have a word with god. I try to make love with god. I believe in the intelligence of the body. I believe there is a conversation going on between the body of me and the body of my perceiver. Art is omnisexual. Art is painful and urgent. Like a lobotomy. Or a hysterectomy. Or a prayer. Art is in love with life. Art is in love with life and that is all
... at which point the dissenter smiled and gently drifted into the next world.